This document provides an initial draft data dictionary for Master Data Management. It is work in progress and subject to change.
category | attributes | notes |
funding | funding organisation | NA |
funding | contract number | NA |
funding | contract value | monetary value |
funding | contract holder | principle investigators holding contract |
funding | contract institutions | NA |
funding | contract record link | URL to published contract data |
geographic | place names | NA |
geographic | alternate place names | known variants |
geographic | address (domicile) | includes postal and zip codes |
geographic | Geographic coordinates | includes shapefiles for line string and polygons |
geographic | geographic feature classification | NA |
literature | author names | NA |
literature | author affiliation | NA |
literature | author country | NA |
literature | publication country | NA |
literature | publication language | NA |
literature | document identifiers | DOI, ISBN, ISSN |
literature | title | NA |
literature | abstract | NA |
literature | full text | NA |
literature | author keywords | NA |
literature | subject area description | includes classification |
literature | source | publication source |
literature | publication type | journal, chapter, book, etc. |
literature | references/bibliography | literature references in text |
literature | citations of articles | forward citations |
literature | researcher idenfitier | ORCID, Researcher ID |
literature | funding acknowledgements | NA |
patent | inventor name | NA |
patent | disambiguated inventor name | see helper tables |
patent | applicant name | NA |
patent | disambiguated applicant name | see helper tables |
patent | priority date | NA |
patent | application date | NA |
patent | publicationn date | NA |
patent | priority country | geographic |
patent | application country | geographic |
patent | publication country | geographic |
patent | address (domicile) | geographic |
patent | inventor country | geographic |
patent | applicant country | geographic |
patent | international patent classification | IPC codes |
patent | cooperative patent classificationb | CPC codes |
patent | title | NA |
patent | abstract | NA |
patent | description | also known as specification |
patent | claims | NA |
patent | genetic sequence data | NA |
patent | drawings | NA |
patent | patent family members | NA |
patent | legal status | NA |
patent | international patent classification thesaurus | helper table |
patent | cooperative patent classification thesaurus | helper table |
patent | IPC to standard industrial classification table | helper table |
patent | OECD Harmonized Applicant Name (HAN) | helper table, name disambiguation |
patent | OECD REGPAT database | helper table, |
patent | EEE-PPAT | helper table, name disambiguation, PATSTAT add on |
patent | patentsview inventor/applicant disambiguation | helper table |
products | product data | to be clearly explored and defined |
research type | research type classification | commercial/non-commercial/mixed/other |
researcher identifier | ORCID identifier | NA |
researcher identifier | alternate names | ORCID records |
researcher identifier | Researcher ID | Clarivate Analytics |
researcher identifier | Pub Med ID | NA |
researcher identifier | Other researcher identifies | NA |
taxonomic | Genetic sequence data | To Be Done |
taxonomic | genetic bar codes | To Be Done |
taxonomic | plant varieties | IDs |
taxonomic | viruses | NA |
taxonomic | gbifid | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | datasetkey | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | occurrenceid | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | kingdom | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | phylum | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | class | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | order | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | family | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | genus | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | species | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | infraspecificepithet | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | taxonrank | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | scientificname | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | countrycode | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | locality | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | publishingorgkey | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | decimallatitude | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | decimallongitude | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | coordinateuncertaintyinmeters | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | coordinateprecision | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | elevation | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | elevationaccuracy | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | depth | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | depthaccuracy | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | eventdate | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | day | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | month | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | year | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | taxonkey | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | specieskey | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | basisofrecord | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | institutioncode | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | collectioncode | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | catalognumber | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | recordnumber | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | identifiedby | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | license | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | rightsholder | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | recordedby | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | typestatus | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | establishmentmeans | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | lastinterpreted | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | mediatype | gbif simple scheme |
taxonomic | issue | gbif simple scheme |
traditional knowledge | vernacular or common species names | taxonomic |
traditional knowledge | species names | taxonomic |
traditional knowledge | indigenous or tribal peoples names | NA |
traditional knowledge | language group names | names of languages as proxy for indigenous/tribal peoples or community names |
traditional knowledge | place names | geographic |